In Australia, greenhouse emissions and energy usage is reportable under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and is administered by the Clean Energy Regulator.

Entities which exceed the defined thresholds are required to prepare and submit reports on an annual basis, the submission deadline is generally 31 October.

Entities which exceed the safeguard mechanism threshold have additional reporting and operational requirements which carry significant penalties if they are not met.

As is the case with NPI report, there are two primary sources of effort required to meeting the NGER requirements:
1. the need to retrieve and format extensive amounts of operational data for each facility
2. the expertise required to identify the correct calculation methods for each process.

The number of activities and processes included in the NGER calculations is significantly lower than those for NPI, but the calculation methods and requirements on evidenciary proof are more onerous. Unlike NPI, NGER reports are submitted at the group level, so they often include multiple facilities and offices.

The NPI Services platform is designed to capture client data in a way that automatically feeds into both our NPI and NGER calculation engines.