Sustainability reporting is rapidly increasing across most industry sectors as stakeholders increase their expectations of transaparency and focus on non-financial performance metrics.
Sustainability or environmental impact reporting can be a standalone activity or part of a wider Environmenal Social and Governance (ESG) commitment from individual organisations.
Our sustainability product includes the following features:
* clients can customise the format and included activites and impacts in their report
* our simple, guided process allows selection of the most appropriate reporting metrics and calculation methods
* using client specific data, our tool will create a list of suggested environmental impact reduction strategies including estimated achievable benefits
* where possible and applicable, our reports use approved techniques and formats from the SASB and CDSB standards
Australia does not currently have an official sustainability reporting standard, but there is significant activity and effort going into the development and integration of such a standard into our financial reporting framework. As with the various overseas standards, it is likely to include both accounting principles and science-based environmental impact assesments.
The average coal mine reports on 20 separate pollutants